Be Bold With Beth Whitman

059 - Sara McArdle - Career Change Agent and Life Coach on personal growth, finding your purpose and learning through discomfort



Ladies! Please join our Be Bold Facebook Group! My guest today is Sara McArdle. After a long career as a graphic designer, Sara was feeling unfulfilled and found herself searching for something more in her work and life. A self-described personal growth enthusiast, Sara did some soul-searching and found that being a life coach resonated with her. Sara managed to, not exactly “switch” careers, but ADD a new layer to her life that has made her more fulfilled in her life as well as in her day job. Now she finds herself thoroughly enjoying her work as a graphic designer in a way she didn't think was possible. AND she now coaches other women and helps them find their passions as a Career Change Agent and Life Coach. She believes that you don’t need to completely change what you’re doing to be happy, but you can add to it by following what you love and adding that to your life. Connect with Sara:Website | Instagram | Facebook Links/books/people mentioned:Women Who Went for It (podcast) Women Who Went for It (Facebo