Be Bold With Beth Whitman

086 ~ Anna Brones - Writer, Artist and Producer



Support the podcast through Patreon and get access to special audio and written content, be part of a private Facebook group and enjoy other benefits reserved for supporters of the podcast! *****   Today’s guest is Anna Brones. Anna is many things. She’s a writer, she’s an artist and a documentary producer. And the thread through all of these is that Anna is a creative. I met Anna maybe eight years ago or so and we’ve stayed in touch via Facebook all this time so I’ve been able to watch the growth of all the things she’s involved with. Most recently, something very interesting came across my radar and I really wanted to reach out to chat with her about it. She’s a producer on a documentary that’s just come out called Afghan Cycles. After you listen to this conversation, I want you to go rent this movie – you can find all the ways to do so by going to It’s the story about some very bold women in Afghanistan who are challenging gender issues by the “simple” act of biking. It’s really quite ama