Be Bold With Beth Whitman

101 ~ Nichole Doane ~ Trauma Nurse and Survivor on Her Near Death Experience



Today’s guest is Nichole Doane. Nichole is a trauma nurse at Harborview Medical Center here in Seattle. Harborview, as many people in my neck of the woods knows, is THE trauma center for the Pacific Northwest. It’s where you want to be taken in the case of a traumatic injury or burn. But I didn’t want to speak to Nichole because of her work as a trauma nurse. Instead, it was because of an accident she had while canyoneering. This near-fatal fall changed the trajectory of her life. Nichole was on a canyoneering trip in August of 2017 when she fell about 60 feet. What happened to her in the minutes leading up to the fall and the hours following it, when she was awaiting a rescue, was nothing short of a miracle. It’s really incredible to me the way she processed what was going on—and then, frankly—lived to tell about it. Since her accident and recovery, Nichole is now spending her time helping those in crisis—as a speaker by helping others through traumatic experiences and by bringing to light the PTSD that happ