Be Bold With Beth Whitman

109 ~ Jean Godden ~ Journalist and Former Seattle City Council Member



Today’s conversation is with Jean Godden. Jean is a journalist, a former Seattle City Council member and the author of Citizen Jean: Riots, Rogues, Rumors and Other Inside Seattle Stories. She’s been part of my world in one way or another for pretty much my entire time in Seattle, which is going on 30 years now. First as a journalist at the Seattle Post Intelligencer, then the Seattle Times and then as a Seattle City Council member. I’ve been really interested in having her on the podcast because she has been such a visible presence and influence in the Seattle area but it wasn’t until I started really researching her that I discovered that she’s 88 and still very active on many levels. That’s when I really really wanted to have her on the podcast. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to chat with her and learn firsthand about her background and what has made her such a special woman and what keeps her going and inspired. So in this conversation, we chat about what led her to becoming a Seattle City C