Be Bold With Beth Whitman

110 ~ Running Epic5 in Hawaii with Beth Whitman and Chris Fagan



Today's conversation is a bit unusual and hopefully you'll be as inspired as always. Today I’m the guest and Chris Fagan, whom you might recall from Episode 88 of the She's Bold Podcast, asks ME the questions. This is all about my Epic5 run in Hawaii! As a reminder, Chris and her husband walked 560 miles over 48 days to the South Pole, pulling sleds with all of their gear that weighed about 200 pounds. Yeah, super inspirational. If you’re new to the show, be sure to go back and listen to that episode. Chris suggested that we sit down and talk through my recent experience running Epic5. As an experienced ultra-runner herself, she had some great questions. We were able to talk through my preparation for running five 50Ks in 5 days on 5 Hawaiian islands, as well as the actual experience and then my recovery. You’ll also hear a question that was asked by Dana, one of my Patreon supporters. Getting to ask questions of guests is just one benefit you’ll get as a supporter of the show. For just $5 month you’ll also b