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Episode 24: Living and Working from a Place of Love with Heather Boersma



Heather Boersma shares how her life experiences led her to finding a place of rest. As she dug deep in her relationship with Christ, she found her identity and also found that she had been working for love instead of working from love. This realization changed her striving to thriving. She's teaching the next generation this lesson and others in her upcoming book Letters from a Big Sister, which has letters from Jenna Kutcher, Jess Connolly, Kristiene Dimarco and more.  Join in on our conversation now by listening to the podcast as we talk about rest, identity and how God equips us for what he wants us to do. Heather is a speaker, author, wife and mom who has shared her story with thousands of teen girls and women across Canada, the United States, and Australia over the last 12 years. She began touring with a ministry for teen girls called Beautiful Unique Girl with singer/songwriter Amanda Cook in 2005 and spoke at over one hundred events, impacting thousands of teen girls. She continues to speak at summer c