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Episode 28: How God Called Me to Quit



It was January. It was cold. I had a baby who was a few weeks old and I was taking a break in the shower, doing one of my favorite shower activities - praying. I found myself praying for my business, for my clients, and suddenly, God called me to quit my biggest client. I was a little shocked considering we used that money to buy food for the family. More importantly, I wasn't ready to quit working with my beloved client. The thing is, after that, I started to understand that God calls us out of something good so he can fulfill his mission. That mission is the next best thing he's called me to. And that's huge and special. I continued to pray and ask God for a timeframe and I finally got one. Again, I questioned God if this was right. I also went back and forth with him on the timing, thinking I knew better. Having a Christ-centered business means it's not always going to be convenient or expected, but it's almost always according to God's plan. With that being said, I told my husband we would be expecting a