Created For This

Episode 32: How I Thrive as a Mom and CEO (and You Can Too)



I thrive as a mom and CEO. This is not just a statement that I am making, I can look at my client testimonials and listen to my husband's testimony. I started my business the same week we found out we were pregnant with baby number three. Over the last three and a half years, and another pregnancy and baby, I have kept my business running and thriving. Running a business is not for the faint of heart. I am writing this while nursing my seven and a half month old and watching my five and three-year-old boys wrestle. That is what daily life looks like for us. Here are five lessons I have learned that will help you thrive as a mom and CEO too. Do what you can while you can. I don't save all of my work for naptime, I am not afraid to work while the babies play. Or eat for that matter. What does that look like for my schedule? It's changed over time. I have my older two kids in public school and the younger two in daycare two days a week. I record my podcast, videos, and taking coaching client calls while they ar