Created For This

Episode 65: Your Body is a Temple



I want to share with you something that's so important to us as Christian and business owners. This is not to add on another layer of things we should be doing. This is important. Please listen to this and don't feel guilty for what you are not doing. As Christians, our bodies are the temple of God. When we become Christians, that's what the Bible says. Therefore, we should take care of ourselves. It's not a trivial thing that people talk about being healthy and taking care of ourselves. Get Moving. As business owners, I know it's hard to take care of ourselves. It's hard for me to find time to prioritize walking two miles. For me, the biggest driver in taking care of myself is being there with my for my kids and my family. I want to be able to run with them and not to have my back issues. I have chronic back pain from being in the military, and knee and shoulder problems. I also know that if I don't keep moving, I'm going to have a harder time. Thankfully, we have a treadmill in our basement. If it weren't f