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Episode 66: A Natural Approach to Living Well with Rebekah Fedrowitz



Join Women’s Integrative Health Speaker, Writer, and Educator Rebekah Fedrowitz as we have an open dialogue about natural health, wellness, and fitness. Rebekah is passionate about helping women escape the traps of our modern approaches to health that leave them always striving for better but often feeling worse. She believes that nutrition and other natural approaches are an important part of the body’s healing process, and with the right nutrition, we all can obtain the complete health that God intended for us to have. She integrates science and scripture for a well-rounded approach to the kind of health women are seeking. ​ It was due to her own health challenges that Rebekah discovered natural health. Amongst numerous certifications and continuing education, Rebekah completed her master’s diploma in nutrition and is board certified in holistic nutrition. Affiliate links are present. We talk about: The Essential Oils Diet by Dr. Eric and Sabrina Zielinski How God wants us well Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful h