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Episode 69: Remember Your Identity



Identity is something that, as I've been learning more about and dwelling on identity in Christ, I've seen how important it is in the way I do everything. It impacts your business, your household, how you are with your friends and more. Let's dive into scripture. Galatians 3 - when we put on Christ, we are in Christ. When we become a Christian, it changes everything. Sanctification - we become more like Christ, we put on his identity. It defines who you are, your purpose and your calling. As we think about our identity, I'm going to read you some verses that give me an idea of who I am in Christ, because when we take that step to become a Christian, we may not see an immediate change, it may take time, but change happens. The fruits of the Spirit develop over time. I've become more patient since I was a little kid, and I accepted Christ into my life when I was eight. It's through different things and different life experiences. Romans 1:5-6 says, "Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the