Be Bold With Beth Whitman

123 ~ Jannell MacAulay on Dealing with Stress During a Pandemic



** If you find yourself struggling and need something to lift you up, the Be Bold Facebook group (for ladies only) has been a wonderful way for us to encourage each other. Normally we post the things we’re doing to Be Bold but over the past few weeks, we’ve been posting each day the things that we’re doing to stay happy and healthy right now. There are some great ideas that others have shared so please join us! ***** Today’s conversation is with Jannell MacAulay. You might recall Jannell from episode #53. Boy, this was going on nearly two years ago now and it was just as she was retiring from her 20-year career in the air force where she was a pilot and combat veteran. She’s now a mindfulness specialist and wellness educator (among other things) and helps others optimize their performance while in a high stress environment. Something we could all use right about now. She has a really great approach in terms of how we can best navigate through these trying times. These are simple tips that are accessible to