Be Bold With Beth Whitman

130 ~ Laureen Nussbaum ~ Author and Holocaust Survivor



Enjoy these uplifting and positive conversations? Support the podcast through Patreon and get access to special audio and written content, be part of a private Facebook group (ladies only) and enjoy other benefits only for supporters of the podcast! ***** This conversation is with author and holocaust survivor, Laureen Nussbaum. This was recorded in-person almost four months ago, at the end of February. It was one of my last in-person conversations that I had for the podcast prior to the pandemic. Under most circumstances, four months would feel like yesterday. But so much has happened since then that it feels like eons ago. I was all ready to publish this episode in early March but then things just started to shut down, at least here in Seattle. As I re-listened to this conversation during the editing process, Laureen’s description of not being allowed to go outside when she was growing up (as a Jewish person), just hit too close to home for me. For very different reasons, obviously, I understood that feelin