Design Yourself

04: The Importance of Taking Breaks



In Episode 4 of Design Yourself, Sharon talks about why stepping away from your computer and taking a break is one of the best things we can do for ourselves - and our work too. Bonus: You can hear the birds chirping in the background of this episode recorded on Lake Champlain (NY) at sunrise. Enjoy! This picture pretty much sums up my trip to the Adirondacks this summer. Open, expansive, peaceful. IDEAS SHARED Where do you get your best ideas? The shower? Running? I bet you won’t say: Sitting at my desk. Those breakthrough moments are unlikely to show up while you are pounding away for your umpteenth hour at the computer either. Point is: We need breaks.     Remember the false peak I discussed in this episode? Here she is in all her glory. Not a bad sneak preview of what was to come!   Here are just a few of the benefits of taking breaks: Allows us to recharge; Creativity flourishes away from our desks; We get new perspectives on old problems; Clarity of focus when we return to our work. Our view of