Design Yourself

18: Be Still and Rest



Sharon comes to you today from the peaceful setting of the Hudson Valley to share some reflections and resources related to rest and stillness. Learn what’s different about intentionally choosing to hold something (and not act) versus feeling stuck. Hear how we all need to take rest after we birth something new into the world - be it a new little baby or a brand new business. And get Point Road’s take on the steps you can take to realize your current habits around rest to making changes. May this episode be a good steward for you finding stillness in whatever way works for you. Ideas Shared:  Below are a few tips discussed in the episode on how to find rest amidst “busy” times. 5 Steps to Help You Downshift to Rest Get clear on your current habits Do a habits assessment  Set an intention around rest or stillness Interrupt your addictions Find an accountability partner Resources and Links: Today’s episode was recorded in the midst of a beautiful family retreat to the Hudson Valley. Here is the space where