Design Yourself

27: Appreciating Quiet



Maybe you, like Sharon, love this last week of the year for the quiet inspiration that it inspires in you. Or maybe you are thinking, “what quiet?!?!!” as you wend your way through the transition from 2016 to 2017. Today’s podcast will meet you wherever you may find yourself. In this last episode of our inaugural season, Sharon shares the importance of finding and exploring quiet moments - with a special emphasis on how we can embrace them when they show up naturally and create them on our own when they don’t. Here’s hoping that you will find some magic in them, whenever they do show up. Ideas Shared: Quiet is a gift. It allows the distractions of the everyday to melt away and we can center in on what matters most. To fully appreciate quiet, we must be mindful. And to be mindful is to be present, in the here and now. There are two ways that we might find ourselves spurred on to quiet: 1) A natural prompt like a major life milestone, or 2) An intentional move towards quiet. Quiet Prompted by a Major Milestone