Design Yourself

40: Preparing for the Camino with Aimee Rowe



Aimee Rowe joins us on the show this week for for the first in a two-part series on the Camino de Santiago, an ancient pilgrimage route through Spain. Aimee is a doctor, an adventurer, and a long-time friend of Sharon’s. Sharon and Aimee walked this pilgrimage route together nearly 5 years ago and this week they are discussing how they both prepared for this walk, including how they went about making and honoring the commitment to walk, how they were able to carve out 6 weeks from their regular routine to - despite work and family obligations, and how they readied themselves for the experience itself. If you are trying to figure out how to carve out the time and space for a passion project or are gearing up for a life transition, this episode is for you. Hear about how small conversations can catalyze big change, tips for prioritizing what you really want and lots of laughter shared between two good friends.  “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. Just do it.” – Aimee Rowe Resources and Links Listen