Design Yourself

47: Designer's Mindset with Jon Flannery of Cryptogram



Ever wonder who makes our pretty and original cover art each week? It’s today’s guest, the designer and printer behind the Cincinnati-based studio Cryptogram, Jon Flannery. Jon shares with our Design Yourself community what motivates him in his work as a designer and entrepreneur. You will learn the mix of science and art that integrates in his own creative process and how having creative entrepreneurs for parents influenced him growing up. For anyone curious to get inside the head of a thoughtful, introverted creative or who is wondering how to make the jump and launch a business, this episode is for you.  “I don’t think I’ll ever stop learning…I’m frustrated a lot by what I don’t know.” – Jon Flannery “Always be mindful and openminded about where you are and where you are going…I want to always be able to change and make changes.” – Jon Flannery Resources and Links Here’s a post I wrote about Jon’s process for creating the There Is Nothing Stopping You poster. Jon’s beautiful home. Yeah, it has it’s own