Design Yourself

48: Getting Back to Work



Facing the Monday Blues? Feeling antsy at the idea of taking a vacation for fear of all that work that will pile up while you are way? This week’s episode is for you. Drawing from what she has learned from re-entering her work routine after maternity leave, host Sharon explores what you can do before, during and after a “break” to making getting back into work as seamless as possible. Learn about how to get yourself (and your team) organized, techniques for limiting your priorities like the kanban method and why optimizing your schedule for time isn’t the most effective approach. Taking time away is as critical for the health of our businesses as it is for our own sanity. Here’s to setting ourselves up to do it in a way that works.  IDEAS SHARED Tips for Getting Back to Work Before You Go Capture everything that you are tracking for when you return Delegate what you don’t need to do While You Are Away Allow yourself to really be away when you are away Create meaningful vacation boundaries for yourself Whe