Design Yourself

58: Product Innovation with Emmanuel Yamoah of Duracell



Emmanuel Yamoah is a person who defies the traditional approach. Not satisfied by what has always been, he’s always pushing for something more. As a young boy you might have found him deconstructing his sneakers to see what made them work. Today he leads a global Research and Development team at Duracell. He is an engineer, an artist, and a problem solver. He understands that to really drive product innovation, you have to start with personal innovation. This episode is a great fit for anyone curious how to go from idea to tangible product. His career also illustrates how you can create tremendous opportunities and growth for yourself working at the same organization. “It’s a constant iteration. It’s pushing and using those starting materials that you have and really figuring out how do you bring them all together. And there is no end solution because you’ve got to constantly evolve.” - Emmanuel Yamoah IDEAS SHARED “I can launch a product and then put it into the marketplace but it has to evolve to stay