Bullets, Bombs, & Beers Podcast

Ep. 14: All Chaps are Assless (Road Warrior)



We are firmly in the middle of an all-out Mad Max rebirth right now. You'll tell your grandchildren about the days when Mad Max: Fury Road was in theaters. But, this episode isn't really about that movie (although we had trouble not talking about it this week), it's about the Road Warrior. Or Mad Max 2, depending on where you lived when the movie came out. Either way, a great movie that we gush about while also mentioning Joe Dirt's baby pictures, Commando's Bennett, and barely concealed rectums. Grab a bucket of suds, relax, and let the sounds of two idiots babbling like schoolgirls over a 35 year-old movie wash over you. Download/stream it here and on iTunes here. Emails are welcome and very much encouraged! Send messages electronically to bulletsbombsbeer@gmail.com. Thanks for listening!