Bullets, Bombs, & Beers Podcast

BBB Presents: Netflix & Kill-Sorority Roast



Another piece of content slowly trickles out of the BBB brain trust and into your waiting mouth...err..mind with this look at the 2009 moving picture, Sorority Row. This is a movie so rife with cattiness that it almost qualifies as bestiality. Hmm. Always thought it was spelled "beastiality". The googling I did to find the correct spelling will certainly land me on a few new lists. Anyway, we invite you to listen in as we spend an hour discussing modified tire irons, going "Chugs deep", and different ways to describe one's relative slickness. The song that plays after we finally shut up is Aimee Allen's "Emergency". You can download or stream the episode here or on iTunes here. If you have a few minutes, please leave a rating and maybe even a brief review in the iTunes page. It really helps us out. You can contact the show at bulletsbombsbeer@gmail.com. Thanks for listening!