Ad Astra

29. Take the W!



Australia hosts IAC and announces their space program. Bill Nye gets famous (again). And we all forgot to die on Saturday. All this and more on this week of Ad Astra.   Places to Donate for Hurricane Irma American Red Cross: Usually the first group people think of when giving after a disaster. It says it is providing shelters for those displaced by Irma, and it has thousands of volunteers on the ground in the state.   Global Giving: A charity crowdfunding site that is attempting to raise $2 million to be used exclusively for local relief and recovery efforts.   Airbnb: The hospitality company is working to coordinate people in need of a place to stay with people willing to offer a free room.   Links: Ad Astra T-Shirt Competition     Latest from Washington NASA names building after Katherine Johnson NDAA Passed the Senate, Now on to Conference Trump makes a speech in Huntsville, mentions National Space Council, still no details Pence visited Huntsville too Buzz Aldrin and Greg Autry endorse Bridenstine for NAS