The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

56: How To Build A Culture Of Engagement In Your Organisation



Episode 56: THE Leadership Japan Series - How to Build a Culture of Engagement in Your Organization  Today, we are going to hear a presentation on how to build a culture of engagement in your organization. Greg:  Thank you very for coming.  My name is Greg Story.  I am the president of Dale Carnegie Training Japan.  We’re going to run through organizations and pride in organizations and the culture around that today.  This is actually the fourth of a series of these engagement seminars and workshops that we’ve been doing.  They’ve all had different themes and we are working through the elements of that.  Today it’s around pride in the organization.  That will be our main game.  Let me take us through a few things first.  Some of you will probably know about Dale Carnegie, some of you may not.  We are going to look at how great organizations create a culture of engagement.  The book on the left there is the original cover they used in 1936 when they issued, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, which has