The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

70: Presentation Effectiveness For All


Synopsis Presentation Effectiveness For All   We are such a judgmental lot aren’t we!  We form opinions about people within seconds of seeing them, often even before we hear them speak.  We judge their dress, their body language, their style without knowing anything about them as a person.  We are slow to unwind our first impression as well, so those first seconds of any interaction are vital.    We are all critics too, when it comes to presentations. We want the best, we want to be educated, entertained, wowed in our seats and we are usually disappointed.  We carry that history of disappointment around with us like heavy baggage, to the next presentation.  We shamelessly hold others to a level of accountability, we never wish imposed upon us!   The cold, hard reality is that Presentation Effectiveness can be a make or break skill in the workplace. At some point in your career you will be asked to present information to a group. It doesn't have to be a formal occasion.  It might just mea