The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

71: How To Be A Better Listener.



There is a tremendous amount of noise buzzing around in the world of business today.  The noisiest portion is the bit going on between our ears, inside our brains.  We are so busy, so immersed in what we are doing, we are forgetting some of the basics.  The blue screen addiction we have all become hooked on, means there is barely a minute of slow time anymore.  We are texting, reading, surfing, jumping around all over the place. We are running our lives as a meeting conveyor belt, moving from one topic to the next, multi-tasking like demons on speed.  The upshot is that we are no longer really concentrating on what is happening around us, as we totally self absorb.  The skill of communication has become a one dimensional activity, where we are getting out what we want to say, but not really listening to what our counterpart has to say.  We go through the motions of pretending to listen, but we are only involved in partial listening.  Even worse, we are mainly specializing in selective listening. Seeking the