The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

72: Dealing With Idiocy In The Workplace



Why, why, why isn’t common sense common?  We deal with people in our work lives who do dumb things.  They make stupid decisions which fly full in the face of common sense.  It is such a puzzle.  Why don’t they get it, why can’t they see the obvious logical answer?    Reflecting on this phenomenon, we have to draw a clear line between losing our sanity trying to anticipate these crazies and getting on with our work.  That is actually the really scary bit – we can never imagine what they would choose as (for them) a rational course of action, which is actually irrational.  How can we spend our entire day worrying about what someone else might do?  Well we can’t, so rather than go crazy ourselves trying to head off feckless behavior, let’s concentrate on what we can control.   The first decision is, are we the idiot who is the cause of the problem? Whoa!  What if we are one creating havoc and they are just pawns in our game.  That can’t be right can it?  We are smarter than them, we see better and further than