Columbus Entrepreneurs' Podcast

004: Bill Troy’s Entrepreneurial Adventures



Today’s guest is Bill Troy, who will be the incoming EO Education Chair, and the President Elect for 2018-2019 year. In this episode, Kevin and Bill talk about Bill’s start in entrepreneurship, starting his own business and writing a book, and how EO has helped him navigate some of the twists and turns he has experienced in his career. Key Takeaways: [1:04] Bill shares his “lifeline” — after meeting his wife in college, he left college and went to broadcasting school, and after broadcasting school he got into the radio business for about ten years. When they switched gears to follow his wife’s career, they ended up in Columbus, and he started his own internet-based market research company, Troy Research. [5:15] What did Troy recognize in himself that he had the entrepreneur mentality? For him, the missing piece was sales. After he did that for his work with a market research company, he had the knowledge and the confidence to start his own business. [6:19] Getting integrated into the Columbus community: comin