Columbus Entrepreneurs' Podcast

010: Angela Petro



In this episode, founder and CEO of Two Caterers, joins Kevin to talk about her current ventures. After a successful start-up, she is now working to expand her company to a multi-unit venture. She shares her story of how she got started, some of the current struggles she’s facing with an established business and a start-up, and how EO has benefitted her along the way.   Key Takeaways: [0:30] Angela begins the episode by sharing her history and her lifeline. Growing up in Akron, education was not necessarily an important part of her family’s background. When she was 19, she travelled to Germany, worked in a hotel, and travelled and saved $5000. When she moved back to the states, she studied at Ohio State. On graduation, after a few small jobs, she and a friend started their catering company, Two Caterers. [6:38] Highs & Lows: They started their sandwich shop/catering business in a bar, and then ended up in a new location that had fallen through for some other friends. This is where the business really star