Columbus Entrepreneurs' Podcast

022: Investing in First-Generation Entrepreneurs



Randy Gerber is an original EO member of the Columbus chapter. On today’s episode, he shares his story of breaking off the traditional path and discovering what he really wanted to do. He talks about starting Gerber LLC, and some of the challenges and triumphs they faced as they rebranded to support first-generation entrepreneurs with financial planning.   Key Takeaways: [:35] Randy grew up in sort of a “traditional” background, thinking he would get an engineering degree and then get a job in the work force, because that is what he was already surrounded by. He went to Ohio State for engineering, and joined a fraternity and learned two things: 1. Many of his friends’ parents owned businesses and 2. He had some natural raw leadership skills. [4:42] During his sophomore year, he realized that he didn’t want to be an engineer. He got a job as an intern at a financial planning company, and decided that was the path he was going to pursue. [6:50] He started his business in late 1990, and watching the stock market