Getting Geeky With Gamer Leaf

Overbattle Bigger and Better



EPISODE SPONSORED BY Arcane Wonders and what they're doing to help during COVID19 EPISODE SPONSORED BY OOMM Games & Starlight on Kickstarter Gamer Leaf sits down with the Rob to chat all about Overbattle that's on Kickstarter through Mon, May 18 2020 11:57 PM MST. Eric's review of Lions of Lydia will be linked here when it goes live! Other reviews mentioned during episode: AWOOGA, AWOOGA! A SILLY REVIEW OF JIBBERGIGGLE by Gamely Ltd HARDBACK REVIEW by Fowers Games CYBERMANCY: VIRTUAL ARENA KICKSTARTER SPOTLIGHT by See Forever Games I INTERVIEWed JAY CORMIER of  Off the Page Games who’s game Mind MGMT just successfully funded on Kickstarter. THINK BEFORE YOU MOVE: KIDS TAKE ON TRICKY TRACK from FoxMind   All Giveaways found HERE!