Karen Doyle Buckwalter: Attachment Theory In Action

Dr. Lark Eshleman: How Attachment Relationships Aid in Trauma Treatment - Part 1



Karen welcomes Dr. Lark Eshleman to the show as they launch a two part discussion about how attachment relationships aid in trauma treatment. Part 2 will be released on April 28th. Lark Eshleman, PhD, is Executive Director of the About Child Trauma Foundation, an educational non-profit teaching about and researching the short- and long-term effects of early emotional trauma, and the power of building resilience in young learners. She is a former school librarian, elementary school principal, and school psychologist, and is a Doctor of Psychology, specializing in child development, attachment, and developmental trauma.   Dr. Lark is on a select committee of the Pennsylvania Department of Education to shape the criteria for required trauma trainings in PA schools, is a special consultant to the State of Delaware’s foster care system, among other training and consultation work. In 2003 she wrote one of the first books on attachment trauma – Becoming a Family: Promoting healthy attachments with your adopted chi