Karen Doyle Buckwalter: Attachment Theory In Action

Dr. Lark Eshleman: How Attachment Relationships Aid in Trauma Treatment - Part 2



Karen welcomes Dr. Lark Eshleman to the show to conclude their two part discussion about how attachment relationships aid in trauma treatment.  Lark Eshleman, PhD, is Executive Director of the About Child Trauma Foundation, an educational non-profit teaching about and researching the short- and long-term effects of early emotional trauma, and the power of building resilience in young learners. She is a former school librarian, elementary school principal, and school psychologist, and is a Doctor of Psychology, specializing in child development, attachment, and developmental trauma.   Dr. Lark is on a select committee of the Pennsylvania Department of Education to shape the criteria for required trauma trainings in PA schools, is a special consultant to the State of Delaware’s foster care system, among other training and consultation work. In 2003 she wrote one of the first books on attachment trauma – Becoming a Family: Promoting healthy attachments with your adopted child -- and writes for Fostering Famili