Karen Doyle Buckwalter: Attachment Theory In Action

Dr. Jody Russon: Attachment Based Family Therapy - Part 2



Karen Doyle Buckwalter concludes her discussion with Dr. Jody Russon about Dr. Russon's work in Attachment-Based Family Therapy.  Dr. Russon is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences at Virginia Tech. She is a translational scientist and family therapist contributing to psychotherapy and suicide research. Dr. Russon’s line of research specifically focuses on the adaptation, dissemination and implementation (AD&I) of relationship-based suicide interventions and prevention strategies. To support these efforts, Dr. Russon recently launched a transdisciplinary research initiative, called the Alliance for the Study of Suicide Prevention and Intervention through Relationship Enrichment, ASPIRE. Dr. Russon’s teaching and supervisory experience is focused on applied skills for family therapy researchers and practitioners. She is an American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Approved Supervisor and a Person-of-the-Therapist (POTT) instructor. She is also a cer