Next Exit: Rerouting Your Career

How to get health insurance if you're self-employed



If you live in the United States and you're self-employed (an entrepreneur, freelancer, or business owner) then health insurance is a major consideration when thinking about working for yourself. Fact is most people get covered through their jobs and when you’re the boss, you have to figure this out for yourself, but just because you’re responsible for making this decision, doesn’t mean there isn’t help for you out there. Marta Rusek is a concerned citizen and digital storyteller that founded the Get Covered Philly campaign, which works to connect people to resources on health insurance. This interview is chock full of links. Please got to the website for a complete listing of those helpful resources from the interview. [](…-business-owners/)[]([Health Insurance Episode - Show Notes]( * [Get Covered Philly](http://g