Jubilee Centre

Everyone’s talking about Dominic Cummings



This week the Jubilee Centre team unpacks Harriet Sherwood’s article ‘Bishops turn on Boris Johnson for defending Dominic Cummings.’ It’s a tale that involves drives to Durham, prime ministerial (non-)apologies and tweeting Bishops. But really, it’s a conversation about trust. As ever, we ask, how can we think biblically about this issue? And how should Christians lead in the public square? Harriet Sherwood’s article: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/may/25/bishops-turn-on-boris-johnson-for-defending-dominic-cummings Further articles: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/05/25/indignation-cowardly-bishops-cummings-bizarre/ https://premierchristian.news/en/news/article/bishops-get-death-threats-for-criticising-dominic-cummings Recorded on Wednesday 27th May 2020