Carnegie Science Center Podcast

Cafe Scientifique Q&A: "Health Care Revolutionized by the Digital Age"



This is the Q&A portion of the talk by Dr. Andrew Watson. Healthcare traces its roots back to around 400 BC and the era of Hippocrates, when doctors began realizing how face-to-face treatments could aid in healing. Through the evolution of healthcare we have gone from learning about basic circulation to the role of genetics. The march of time has seen the advent of ever more complicated surgeries, organ transplants and now even video-based procedures. But, with all of the modernization of healthcare and scientific research, we never predicted the digital age and its impact on the face-to-face visit and healthcare. In less than a decade, we've seen patients became empowered with wireless broadband, smart phones, early sensor data and most importantly a global interconnectedness. Traditional geographical boundaries are melting away and the access to information, individuals, and intelligence is at our fingertips. Join Dr. Andrew Rose Watson as he discusses how we are on the cusp of perhaps the greatest par