Carnegie Science Center Podcast

Cafe Scientifique: "Eco-Inovation: Are We There Yet?"



Eric J. Beckman Chemical Engineering Department University of Pittsburgh Many consumers would agree that using truly environmentally friendly products is a good thing. However, having to wade through a sea of less-than-accurate "green" advertising claims as well as the perception that greener products don't work as well or are more expensive than their conventional cousins has left customers feeling blue. The widespread use of misleading green claims has produced rampant skepticism regarding industry’s ability to design truly greener products leading some economists to conclude that without government support, greener products can't survive. Eric Beckman hopes to change that. Beckman believes it is possible to achieve real eco-innovation, where performance is enhanced even as the environmental footprint of a product is reduced. Beckman will discuss some of what he describes as the fundamental guiding principles of eco-innovation including developing and marketing products in a way that leaves customers sayin