Willie's World

Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality



My initial awareness of SOMA happened when I read the book of same title years ago. Because of my many experiences since then, and because  I am currently about to work with Psychedelics as a tool for self discovery, life recovery, and addictions recovery I thought I would look into my original interest in light of years of relevant experiences and new developments in the use of Psychedelics. What i found is pretty amazing, and i attempt to share the highlights here. References: The Rig Veda and Soma - Terence McKenna   https://youtu.be/K0g2NLntVis   Soma: The Psychedelic Origins of Religious Experience   https://youtu.be/kPf4FYNt9ok   The Mushroom Man   https://youtu.be/C9_N4pSYp88