23 Shots Of Jd

Comebacks and Retirement: THE FIFTY-FOURTH EPISODE



SERENA! After starting the podcast with some housekeeping, I get right into the whole drama surrounding Serena Williams and her banned ‘catsuit’. Is it really that controversial? From here I discuss the sudden resurgence of Tiger Woods. Is my man still a sex addict. I transition from here to Zion Williamson. He is a legit freak but is he an NBA player. Either way, the dude jumped from the free throw line being 285 pounds. Continuing on basketball, I discuss the relationship between Ben Simmons and Joel Embiid, how will these guys mesh in the future. I close the podcast by acknowledging the retirement of one of the great international basketball players, Manu Ginobili. From pioneering international basketball to popularising the euro step, my guy did it all. Thanks for listening to the podcast, if you want to interact with us further follow us on twitter @23shotsofjd or alternatively email us at 23shotsofjd@gmail.com.   Rate, Review and Subscribe   #23jd #sportpodcast #podcastaustralia --- Follow the po