Daily Nuggets With Your Favorite Local Haole Lender

Coronavirus and Rates - Real Estate Transactions - GR-PALOOZA



This week Jason talks with Cliff, the Weekly J producer from Phazon Media. They talk about the different parts of the real estate transaction, the Coronavirus - aka COVID-19 - and how they're preparing for it, what it's like on an ISLAND preparing for it, and how it's affecting the markets and loan rates. A lot of people are thinking they're going to get a sweet refinance rate may be right, but a lot may not be...check it out to find out where you land!Check it out over on the YouTubes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAY5b7B_Dfw&feature=youtu.beJason C. Scott (NMLS: 1160791)Phone: (808)798-9054Web: https://www.rate.com/jasonsFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasoncscottguaranteedrateaiea/Instagram: https://instagram.com/guaranteedrateaieaEmail: JasonS@rate.comCliff Bailey - Phazon Media, LLCPhone: (808)445-3674Web: https://phazonmedia.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/phazonmedia/Instagram: https://instagram.com/phazonmedia/Twitter: Https://twitter.com/phazonmedia/Email: cliff@ph