Daily Nuggets With Your Favorite Local Haole Lender

Episode 51 - WE'RE BACK, BABY!!



Coming back at you in episode 51, it's just the crew catching up and talking about what all we're looking forward to through the end of the year.Merranda Ramirez is now officially co-host and Cliff is stepping back a bit from the podcast as he steps into a new role.Contact Jason today about your home loan mortgage needs!Jason C. Scott (NMLS: 1160791)Phone: (808)798-9054Web: https://www.rate.com/jasonsLinkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/guaranteedrateaiea/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GRofOahu/Instagram: https://instagram.com/grofoahuEmail: JasonS@rate.com