She's In The City By Nasheville

How Faith Transformed Me Physically, Professionally, and Emotionally with Leanne Ellington, Pt. 2



On last week’s episode we heard from our dear friend and health coach, Leanne Ellington, about her 15-year struggle and journey to physical health and healing, as well as her business, Stressless Eating. This week, Leanne is back to share her incredible testimony – a story that reveals God’s intentional and steadfast work on her heart, ultimately leading her to spiritual restoration as she pursued bodily healing. Leanne grew up in a Jewish family in Orlando, but claims “it was never a faith [for me], never a religion, but more of a culture and a heritage.” She was active in Hebrew school, trips to Israel and part of all the Jewish traditions. She tells us she knew of God and believed in God, but was never connected to God. “[God] wasn’t part of the paradigm of how I lived.”  Then, when Leanne found herself in a season of both personal and professional loss, something inside of her began to wonder: “I think [maybe] I need God?” From this point she began her quest to simply discover more about the Lord. Because