Monetizing Your Creativity - Pursuing A Career In Film, Television, Writing, Theatre, Music & Design With Your Talents

057 Lisa Gilroy Part 2 (YTV, Emmy-Nominated Undercover High) It can happen to you



Who are "The Sketchersons? How and why do they thrive? Brightening up a weekend's end With Sunday Night Live! Lisa Gilroy! She's a stitch! Scratching a yen for comedy itch! On air, off air, writing madly For stage and screen and we have gladly Invited Lisa back for a Round Two visit. That's not too much to ask for! C'mon now, is it? What's funny now? What will be tomorrow? From what classic roots Do comics banish sorrow? From YTV Princess to Comedy Queen All set-ups and punch lines in between… All polished and edited. Wrinkle free for you. Enjoy Lovely Lisa Gilroy in "Lisa - Part 2" Subscribe to the free Monetizing Your Creativity podcast: While you're there, please leave your comments and suggestions for future episodes. We love your feedback! Or search for Monetizing Your Creativity on Stitcher, Google Play Music, Overcast or your other podcast app. SoundCloud: