Monetizing Your Creativity - Pursuing A Career In Film, Television, Writing, Theatre, Music & Design With Your Talents

113 Lindy Sisson (ACT Arts Centre) Parental support can influence your arts career



Lindy Sisson was born into a showbiz family and grew up taking tickets, printing posters, and dancing in productions put on in the community theatre group created and sustained by her parents and surrounding regional audiences. That combination of artistic and administrative talent has come in quite handy. Lindy is now both the Executive Director and Artistic Director of ACT, a Canadian arts centre that incorporates performing, teaching and art studio spaces for professional and student participants to hone their skills in creative arts activities. Lindy describes the challenges of creating “your own family” in the arts in the absence of support within your home, school or community environment. Belief in your own success and confidence in your own production skills – whatever they may be – is critical to a healthy and happy pursuit of a career in the arts. Lindy also recommends exploring one of the recurring themes of this podcast: often the most effective way of generating support for your creative ende