Field Recordings Nyc

#8 Bull Hill (Mt. Taurus) Cold Springs, NY | February 18th 2017



Got a doozy for y’all this week. Went for a nice 3 hour hike in Cold Spring NY (Mt. Taurus). Previously, I’ve done most of my recording on my Roland R-26, which generally cuts our after I leave it much beyond the hour mark. This recording (captured on my Zoom H4n) was still recording when I returned over 3 hours later. My goal with this project was to never capture much less than hour-long sessions. If I do, it doesn’t get released, and that’s because I don’t think shorter sessions properly capture a space / time. This however, could revolutionize things a bit. Perhaps I can work my way up to 8 hour sessions to help those of you keen to find some sounds to sleep to. At any rate *end rant*. February 18th was our first glimpse at spring-to-come in 2017, with temperatures in the low 60s and so the trails were fairly packed. Recorder was set up not far off the beaten path, in fairly close proximity to the closest road and train tracks. You’ll hear a nice mix of the local wildlife, leaves rustling, a near-const