Field Recordings Nyc

#15 Badlands (Interior), South Dakota, Cedar Pass Lodge | October 9th, 2018



I ventured on a trip with a couple buddies through the mid-west this past October. Specifically from two iconic national parks — Badlands in South Dakota to Yellowstone National Park. The Badlands were immediately an interesting sight to see as we drove in at dead of night. The layered rock formations suddenly surround you as you drive into the park, towering over you as if you’ve suddenly been cast as an extra in the 1960’s Star Trek series and you were beamed onto their extensive set for the season finale. It was rainy and cold while we were there, limiting my ability to record and leaving little wildlife to be seen outside of the fur covered Bison + Bighorn Sheep in the distance. Still you can hear the occasional bird chirping in the cold and it’s interesting to hear how humans’ creations — mainly cars driving in and out of the canyons to the various cabins and shops or folks packing up for their day hikes or next adventure echo off of its towering spires of rock, sand and dirt. The rainy weather only h