Nachdaily: 5 Minute Perek Of Tanach Covering The Entire Navi. Sefer Yehoshua, Shoftim, Shmuel, Melachim, Yeshaya, Yirmiya, Ye

Breslov: (18) Hisbodedus | How To Find Mental Clarity | Lekutey Maharan Tinyana Lesson 10



How do you reach mental clarity? Why are people so busy? How do we come incontact with our depper nature? Sources: Lekutey Maharan Tinyana Lesson 10 Mesilat Yesharim Chapter 2 Topics Discussed: Hisbodedus Reaching mental clarity Our inner resilience and deeper nature The need to settle our minds. . Finding mental clarity Expanded states of consciousness Feeling ‘okay’ even when you're not. Simcha and Happiness. Achrei Mos - Kedoshim Parsha Connection: Going up to heaven with a clean slate. Sefiras Ha'omer: Making the most of every day. *If you're interested in other class on Rebbe Nachman click here: *Click here for my YouTube Channel: Shaya Sussman Counseling *Click here for Instagram: _ Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Masters in Education with a special focus on Leadership (MA) Certified Addictions and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC-T) Rabbin