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Breslov: (19) Do Not Fear | Lekutey Maharan Tinyana Lesson 48



How is it possible to continue to persevere? How do we mark failure? How do you measure success? Fear is one of the main emotions that stops a person from succeeding. In the lesson Rebbe Nachman teaches we have nothing to be scared of. Sources: Lekutey Maharan Tinyana Lesson 48 Topics Discussed: Rebbe Nachman's role in addressing mental health issues. Never giving up The key to success The need for encouragement. The illusion of our minds How every descent is really an ascent. Expanded states of consciousness How God is always bringing the world to a better place. The Inside-out nature of the human experience. The delicate balance of this world. Emor Parsha Connection: The Kohen needed to teach his child about his unique specialness in order to educate him not to touch a dead body (tamei meis). Lag Ba’omer Connection: Rebbe Nachman brought the teachings of Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai down to our level. *If you're interested in other class on Rebbe Nachman click here: