Nachdaily: 5 Minute Perek Of Tanach Covering The Entire Navi. Sefer Yehoshua, Shoftim, Shmuel, Melachim, Yeshaya, Yirmiya, Ye

Breslov: (30)The Power Of Tehilim. LMT #73. Shaya Sussman, LCSW



In this lesson Rebbe Nachman explains how saying Tehilim brings a person to do Teshuva. A person is able to create their own unique path in serving Hashem and really finding there place in Judaism all through saying Tehilim. Sources: Shl'ah Hakadesh Intro to Tehilim Lekutey Maharan Tinyana #73 & 125 Sichos Haran #1 Classes on Nekudos Tovos click here: NachDaily on Tehilim Click here: _ Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Masters in Education with a special focus on Leadership (MA) Certified Addictions and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC-T) Rabbinical Ordination (Smicha)